
New Idea!

Yeah, game addictions are a big problem, but it's a problem I cannot solve since I'm still a heavy addict. So I decided to come up with a new problem to solve...hopefully So a problem I have is keeping focus and completing school work (which the game addiction may or may now have impact on). I often tell myself I'm gonna do my school work, but I immediately get side tracked and/or procrastinate, which isn't good. School work isn't exactly fun and I know I have to be responsible, but it's not as easy as it sounds.  I want to come up with an idea that will help me with this problem Another problem I wanna solve is the future, not many people think about it. We have set aside major issues and nobody wants to stop and help the future. We are killing many animals and destroying forest, yet we continue to turn a blind on these things. I know I should have been worried about this years ago, but listening to a song has helped me realize the issues even more. The gi

First Update!

I'm back and ready to type..not really. I haven't really though of a topic so I'll just have to wing it. So, how many people that read this play games? Probably not much since the only people reading this are my teachers. Though, if you do happen to play, what's something that keeps you hooked? For me, I get hooked on competitive game, I love to win and climb through the ranks. With competitive, there is always new goal to strive for since nobody stays number one. I also tend to get hooked on games that require a lot of communication, I love talking, I think most people do. When I'm able to talk and take control of a situation, it just makes my time a lot better. Those are my top two reason, but I'll try to think of others. From what I can assume from seeing it first hand to thinking it over, story based games can be addicting as well. My older brother, the reason for me playing games to this day, ABSOLUTELY LOVES KINGDOM HEART, and I do too! He finished the gam
Welcome fellow gamers, I'm glad you're taking time out of you day from placing Kapkan traps to combo with your fellow Frost or those taking time out from grieve you nerfed Overwatch heroes to read my blog. (Really, if you're reading this just know I'm happy!) I'm here to relate to you guys, don't let this title of this post fool you. I too am addicted to games and only recently saw this as a problem. I play countless hours on games, trying my best to progress through ranks. I've spent countless nights play Meg in Dead By Daylight and making killers DC out of rage. I have skipped important events to learn the best character builds in League of (Toxic) Legends to finally find a way to counter those PESKY LUX MAINS, YOU ANGER ME! I smile as I type this...,except for the last part, cause I see nothing wrong with it, but there is. I had to think long and hard to realize there was a problem, a big problem. It's just us gamers don't really see a problem,