
Showing posts from November, 2019
Welcome fellow gamers, I'm glad you're taking time out of you day from placing Kapkan traps to combo with your fellow Frost or those taking time out from grieve you nerfed Overwatch heroes to read my blog. (Really, if you're reading this just know I'm happy!) I'm here to relate to you guys, don't let this title of this post fool you. I too am addicted to games and only recently saw this as a problem. I play countless hours on games, trying my best to progress through ranks. I've spent countless nights play Meg in Dead By Daylight and making killers DC out of rage. I have skipped important events to learn the best character builds in League of (Toxic) Legends to finally find a way to counter those PESKY LUX MAINS, YOU ANGER ME! I smile as I type this...,except for the last part, cause I see nothing wrong with it, but there is. I had to think long and hard to realize there was a problem, a big problem. It's just us gamers don't really see a problem,